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the neighborhood!

you open the cabinet marked "neighborhood" out of curiosity. it was the prettiest out of the cabinets. it was plush and lux, with dark purple velvet and leather lining the cabinet. you look at the pristine buttons, they all seem to be portals to other apartments. some were in this same complex, others were in the complex downtown, and others weren't even apartments. you also spot the(not so) exquisite button that was displayed in the hallway, noting "duckyducky", aswell as a small box containing the code. above, was a handwritten note. you decide to save the code for later.

link me too, if you'd like!
hotlinking is fine!


these are peeps who have cool sites that are in the virtual neighborhood
don't be shy to ask me if you want your button on here(though i doubt you do)


petrapixel alphacentauri
isntreal ironymachine blanketfort the button of
Welcome to I Wish You Roses (site button) michi's website melokaji jaybirdz
trademarkhell mypillowfortthinliquid's button Yatagarasu site button's button
corvidae's button
Rocket into the Spark-web! buttonchronodoves button luvstarkei